Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Visite à l'ASPA

Visite à l'ASPA -- Visit to the Association Saumurois pour le Protection des Animaux

Bonjour à tous et à toutes ! Hello everyone!

We are all doing quite well here in Saumur. I wanted to take a brief moment and post some photos from our visit to the ASPA, an animal refuge/shelter here in Saumur. Students had the opportunity to speak with the director and president who answered our many questions, and we were able to better understand the differences between animal shelters in the US and those found here in France.

The group poses for a photo at the refuge

A group of students follows the director around as she explains the various aspects of the refuge

The director introduces a group to one of the kittens it has been housing

We had the opportunity to help out by refilling some water dishes 

Dawne-Cheryl refills several water dishes

Hannah helps to fill up the water cans

Cassie, Aminata, Camille, and Hannah pose for a picture

Cassie, Camille, and Hannah pose for a photo. Camile said just before I took the picture, "My mom asked me why I don't let you take more pictures of me... so I need you to take some for the blog." I happily obliged.

A group of students gather around as two puppies are passed around, all to happy to receive all the attention

Molly and Avery hold two of the puppies

Monick holds the kitten

Emily holds one of the puppies

Below are several photos of the students holding the kitten

Evie holds the puppy that she says remembered her from her initial visit to the refuge several weeks ago. I'm pretty sure she tried to sneak the puppy out with us when we left!

Several students pet one of the other dogs that joined us for some attention

Evie was especially enthusiastic!

Another picture of prof Evie with the puppy

The students seemed to enjoy the visit despite the trek it took to get to the refuge from the bus stop, but it was still a worthwhile experience! 

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